The USS Monitor was a Federation starship, a Defiant -class escort / destroyer in Starfleet service in the 24th century. USS Eagle: Unknown: Star Trek Voyager One of two Defiant class ships assigned to either recover or destroy the NX Prometheus after it was captured by Romulans. USS Monitor: NCC-75001: Mentioned in both the books The Return and Preserver, lost under command of Captain John Scott Lewinski attempting to set a new warp speed record with recovered Borg transwarp drive.
ion War ad sustained very heavy damage toward the end of the Do. Die USA versehen ihre Schiffe der Navy mit dem Kürzel USS als Abkürzung für United States Ship.
Die Abkürzung USS ist eine Zugehörigkeitsbezeichnung, welche sowohl von zur See fahrenden als auch von im Weltall fliegenden Schiffen beziehungsweise Raumschiffen getragen wird. Her crew consisted of 49 officers and enlisted men Monitor had a tonnage of 776 tons burthen and displaced 987 long tons (1,003 t). The ship was 179 feet (54.6 m) long overall, had a beam of 41 feet 6 inches (12.6 m) and had a maximum draft of 10 feet 6 inches (3.2 m). USS Monitor - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wik Mit Monitor können folgende Artikel gemeint sein: Technik Monitor (Überwachungseinrichtung), eine Überwachungsinstanz Bildschirm, auch Monitor genannt Raumschiffe USS Monitor, ein Raumschiff der Sternenflotte Schiffe USS Monitor (Panzerschiff), ein Kriegsschiff der USA ⤨ Dies ist eine Seite zur Begriffsklärung, da dieser Titel mehrere Begriffe bezeichnet. And I love having such a huge variety of objects to work on! In addition to big metal. Although my blogs to date give a very Dahlgren-centric view of what I do, there is far more to USS Monitor than just its guns. The brush was removed from the starboard gun carriage, covered in mud and hard concretion. Brushing off a little history Posted on June 10, 2020.
In 2269, Lieutenant Lawrence Styles transferred from the Monitor to the USS Enterprise.
The USS Monitor (NCC-1713) was a Constitution -class Federation starship in service in the 23rd century. (STO - Agents of Yesterday mission: Welcome to Earth Spacedock The USS Monitor was a Federation starship, a Galaxy -class explorer in Starfleet service in the 24th century Große Auswahl an Star - Große Auswahl, Günstige Preis In the early 2370s, the Monitor was commanded by Captain John Lewinski The USS Monitor (NCC-83800) was a 25th century Federation starship, a Venture -class advanced research vessel in Starfleet service from the 2410s decade. Its hull is coated in microdiffracted carbon to absorb all visible radiation that fell upon it, making it as black as the space it moved through.
Commissioned in 2371, she was the second ship of her class The USS Monitor was a Defiant -class Federation starship in service in the late 24th century. USS Monitor (NX-74206) - Star Trek Expanded Universe - Fan fiction, RPG, fan films USS Monitor (NX-74206) The USS Monitor (NX-74206) was a Defiant -class Federation starship in service in the late 24th century. Die Virginia war aus dem hölzernen Rumpf der havarierten (ausgebrannten) Merrimack entstanden In der Schlacht vor Hampton Roads 1862 kämpfte sie gegen das Südstaatenpanzerschiff 'CSS Virginia'. Dieses stand im Sezessionskrieg 1861-65 im Dienste der Union. (TNG: The Defector Die Monitor wurde nach dem ersten Panzerschiff der US Navy benannt, der USS Monitor. In 2366, the Monitor and USS Hood were dispatched to the Romulan Neutral Zone to counter a possible Romulan sneak attack originating from a supposed cloaked Romulan base on Nelvana III. The USS Monitor (NCC-61826) was a Federation Nebula -class starship operated by Starfleet during the mid- 24th century. Kauf Bunter! Über 80% neue Produkte zum Festpreis Das ist das neue eBay. Monitor Test & Vergleich: Die besten Produkte aus 2020 gesucht? Top im unabhängigen Test & Vergleich Schau Dir Angebote von Star auf eBay an.